Name: Robb Stark Age: 21 Birth date: March 10 Gender: Male Species: Werewolf Family|Friends:
Aiya Stark || Sister (if someone wants to make his sister just PM me)
Cadelina Wolfe || Allies
Height: 5’11” Weight: 180 Build: Above average but below muscular Hair Color: Reddish Brown Eye Color: Blue Play By: Richard Madden
Robb is a family man. Being a werewolf meant he had a pack and liked being surrounded by people. He's fiercely protective of the people he loves and any allies he has.
Robb Stark is the first born in his family so when he came of age and the time was right, he had officially turned into the animal of his ancestors, the wolf. It helped that they were around others who had turned into wolves as well. His father was considered alpha male in their group. One day, Robb is to take over as alpha male, but until then, he's venturing some, like most members do around his age. He also has a little sister Aiya.
RP Sample:
He ran as fast as his legs could carry him through the trees. They were right on his tail; he could hear them. He took a sharp turn hoping to get them off his tail but they followed right behind him. Damnit… I need to figure out a way to lose them. He thought to himself. Thinking on his feet, he took off towards the river that he knew was near, pushing his body to go faster than before. As soon as the river was in sight, he dived right in making sure to swim with the flow as soon as he was in. That should do it. Robb smiled a bit in victory and resurfaced, looking around. He saw the two wolves on the bank and waved to them, smiling. The whole thing was practice for running from others in case he had the need to.
The two wolves disappeared back into the woods and Robb swam to the bank to exit the waters. Another figure came out from the trees as Robb ran his fingers through his now wet curly locks. He knew the figure well and tended to call the man father. “Nicely done Robb, but you won’t always have the advantage of knowing the landscape as well as you know this one.” Robb sighed a bit, it would be too much for his dad to compliment him and not tack on something he needed to improve on. There will always be something he needs to improve on. “Use your senses next time. I won’t always be here to direct you or save your hide.” Robb rolled his eyes again. “Yeah dad, I know. You’re old and cranky and you will pass on one day.“
He could hear his father sigh, as if he was tired. The two talked about this after every training session. It was always the same, work on this, work on that, don’t do that, find a girl. He was supposed to carry on the bloodline but he wasn’t too impressed with the choices. The girls of the daughters of the pack members were of all ages, but none of them appealed to him. The ones his age were too… engaged in themselves. That wasn’t something he could see himself with. Robb wanted someone who cared for others around them and wasn’t all me, me, me. Whatever happened to down to earth girls who just wanted to make others happy as well?
“Go dry off and head home, your mother and sister will be expecting us for dinner.” Robb nodded and headed to the hangout where he kept extra clothes and there was a shower there. The hangout was where pack meetings where held and a lot of the others hung out when they wanted an escape from their households. Some of the pack even gambled there on occasion. He had played with them a couple times, although he tended to win more often than not so the guys tended to not play with him anymore. It was all a matter of time though until he was going on his journey that all pack members took before officially joining the pack for good. No one knew how long they would be gone or when exactly they’d come back. One member took two years before they finally returned. The journey just helped to make sure they were able to fend for themselves. No one wanted a pack member that couldn’t fend for themselves first.